Spell dmg rogue
Spell dmg rogue

spell dmg rogue

With only pvp gloves and 3/3 imp JotC = +631 holy damage With only 3/3 imp JotC = +493 holy damage Without any talents, pvp gloves or libram = +430 holy damage

spell dmg rogue

Judgement of the Crusader: It is no longer possible to have icons for two different ranks of Judgment of the Crusader appear at the same time when judged by multiple Paladins. The last time my raid group killed Ragnaros we didn't have enough priests to do AoE heals on the rogues, so the three paladins in the melee groups coordinated different ranks of Judgement of Light on him, and the rogues and dps warriors ended up healing themselves a lot. Multiple paladins can stack different ranks of the judgements on the same mob. Since I was able to prove that multiple ranks of the same Judgement are in fact blizzlike in Vanilla and not bug abuse, we are permitted to put up all 6 ranks of Judgement of the Crusader for a grand total of +631 holy damage (provided that the Rets have PvP gloves which add +20 to JotC).

spell dmg rogue

Likewise, I also asked about Judgement of the Crusader stacking as well to no avail: I even went so far as to file GM tickets on but wasn't able to get an answer: You can backfire and dash in the last second to make a pillar that cant be blocked but can be mana shielded.It's time to put your Vanilla theorycrafting hats on and delve down into into the following Vanilla mechanics debates below since I was never able to get a confirmed answer on whether the following items and their procs scaled with spell damage or not:Įquip: Adds 2 fire damage to your melee attacks.Įquip: Adds 4 fire damage to your weapon attack.Įquip: Adds 3 Lightning damage to your melee attacks.Įquip: Increases damage done by Nature spells and effects by up to 21.There is a developer exclusive version of this spell which acts similar but creates incredibly bigger pillars, named Terra Maledictus.Viribus and its snap are one of the few spells that can affect the enemy even if backfired.Viribus is needed to farm Golems, survive Gorpigs, protect yourself from most monsters and effectively kill most monsters. Along with ignis, this spell is practically essential for Khei.Unmoved, the pillars are casted in a straight line but if pointed to the right, the pillars curve to the right etc.īlue = Fizzle, Green = Cast, Red = Backfire Trivia Pointing your camera in a direction will also change the direction the pillars are going in.Backcasting Viribus while being a Dragon Rider causes a pillar to spawn mid-air with the same colour as your dragon, making it a quick place to rest.Dashing after casting Viribus as the pillars rise will cause the pillars range to double, but also making the pillars more spread out.Shinobis counter viribus, as they will grapple you if you start to cast it, or they can just wait till you're close enough so you can't use it as much regardless.

spell dmg rogue

Using their active ability ' Monastic Stance', the pillars will shine yellow, and will cause damage and knockback if they are touched at all. Green stone viribus pillars in desert (?)Viribus is strengthened by players of the Monk class with the passive Monastic Viribus. Since most of them do not get ragdolled, they often get hit by all the pillars. Some people argue that this is one of the best snaps and is currently very meta. This allows for consistent attacks with Viribus as long as the caster is near dirt or stone. Snap Viribus instantly summons the volley of pillars, without the windup of the original spell. Also, be careful about how much you use it, Viribus can in fact be perfect blocked. If the spell is backfired, a singular pillar strikes the caster (they can dodge this). Each pillar deals a moderate amount of damage. Viribus is a spell that summons a volley of earth pillars towards the caster's camera.

Spell dmg rogue